Grow a Row for your local food pantry!


Have a green thumb and a little extra garden space?

New Roots Farm in partnership with Seacoast Eat Local is looking for garden partners to help increase fresh local produce available at our many local pantries. How can YOU help?

Step 1: Pick up free seedlings or seeds available at New Roots Farm in Newmarket this Friday, June 20th from 2-6pm.

Step 2: Plant out your container, row or beds dedicated for donation to a local pantry.

Step 3: Gather your harvest and bring it to a summer farmers’ market in Dover, Exeter or Portsmouth for collection and distribution to local pantries. Alternatively you can coordinate with your own nearby pantry for drop off times available.

Want to learn more? Email [email protected]


During the Winter Market season we were able to collect and donate over 2000 pounds of food to local pantries. Help us continue and expand garentomatoesthese efforts by growing extra produce for donation. You can arrange to donate to a pantry in your neighborhood at your convenience or bring your home grown donations to the Seacoast Eat Local tent at the Dover, Exeter or Portsmouth Farmers’ Markets. We will add it to our gleaned food from the market that day and deliver it to a pantry right after market.

Looking for help with your garden? Be sure to utilize the UNH Cooperative Extension Information Line. You can peruse their online resources or give them a call at 1-877-EXT-GROW (1-877-398-4769).

(Read from this site about the best tree removal services in town to make sure that garden and your surrounding is in the best health possible)

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